If you are an individual, or a member of an organisation, that already uses radios but wants to get more out of them, or you are simply thinking of investing in radio communications, then this hands-on workshop is for you. Participants will have the chance to explore how RAYNET, Business Radio, and Amateur Radio infrastructure such as MEARL – our Shared Repeater Scheme – can enhance your existing communications equipment capabilities. Activities on the day will also be of interest to licenced Radio Amateurs, or anyone interested in taking up Amateur Radio as a hobby, as a range of Amateur Radio Equipment will be available for hands-on activities. This is an introductory level workshop and no prior technical knowledge is required – but at the same time the activities are designed for all levels of knowledge and expertise. The workshop will also enable you to get to know RAYNET members and our activities and hopefully be the catalyst for future rapport.
A surveyor using a total station Surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial ...
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Read More...We offer qualify superior pre-sale service to help you choose the right goods, highclass after service to ravel out your concerns,and life long technical support.
Read More...ASIACOM is committed in providing quality customer service. Our professionally trained to provide a complete set of technical support and...